@PHDTHESIS{ 2022:154897729, title = {A framework to support value construction based on shared mental models’ theory considering the gap of stakeholders’ perceptions of value realization}, year = {2022}, url = "http://bibliotecatede.uninove.br/handle/tede/3157", abstract = "Projects are ordinarily executed to create economic value and competitive advantage to organizations. Thus, project management have a strategic function, while must constantly adapt to business changes. The Service Dominant Logic paradigm has emerged in marketing, proposing that the creation and cocreation of value replaces the value embedded in tangible resources. Thus, value is no more delivered through single transactions operations, but is realized through the use of tangible resources based on longer relationships with customers. The project management has adapted to this change, replacing the product by the value in the center of the projects. As value is hardly measurable because can assume tangible and intangible perspectives, each stakeholder perceives the value creation differently during the project execution. The value realized by the project’s outcome is percept differently by multiple stakeholders as well. These particular perceptions of the value are grounded on stakeholder’s individual mental models, which are characteristic of the humans’ cognitive process. Hence, this thesis adopted the mental model’s theory to explain how multiple stakeholders recognize the value realized by the project’s outcome based on a project success scale. Adaptive methodology tends to reduce these perception gaps promoting a common understanding of the project objectives among main stakeholders. However, adaptive methodology is not suitable to all kinds of projects, consequently a plan-driven approach must be adopted in some cases. As plan-driven approaches normally tend to keep the customer away during the project execution, agile practices are introduced in a hybrid configuration, trying to bring the customer closer to the project and reduce the gap of value perceptions among multiple stakeholders. However, agile practices are erratically and subjectively adopted, normally resulting in failures. Thus, a framework is proposed by this thesis aiming to support the project managers to choose the most suitable agile practices, according to the contingencies involved in the context of each project. The shared mental model’s theory is the ground of the proposed framework.", publisher = {Universidade Nove de Julho}, scholl = {Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gestão de Projetos}, note = {Administração} }