@MASTERSTHESIS{ 2014:1337372783, title = {O impacto das distâncias institucionais CAGE e motivações de mercado, recursos e ativos estratégicos sobre o fluxo de investimento direto estrangeiro brasileiro para o exterior}, year = {2014}, url = "http://bibliotecatede.uninove.br/tede/handle/tede/758", abstract = "The analysis of institutional environments and how they impact an array of firms decisions is a major stream of research in international business and strategy. In this study we focus on the impact of the institutional distance on the Brazilian outward FDI (OFDI) based on Ghemawat s (2001) CAGE taxonomy which classifies distances in four dimensions: cultural, administrative, geographic and economic. Institutional distance is the extent of similarity or dissimilarity between the institutional environments of two countries. Moreover, we posit that not only will institutional distance negative impact the Brazilian FDI but also that we must attend to the strategic motives underlying those foreign investments, that we classify in market-seeking, resource-seeking, and strategic-asset seeking (Dunning, 1993). Methodologically, we propose a set of seven hypotheses to test the direct and moderating effects using secondary data collected from multiple sources. Results show that cultural and geographic distances have negative and significant impact on FDI from Brazil. The association between the administrative and economic distances and FDI were not significant. In relation to the strategic-seeking motives, Market-seking and Strategic Asset-seeking motives showed a positive and significative influence on Brazilian OFDI. In regard to the interactions between distances and motives only the Strategic Asset-seeking motive exerts a positive influence on the relationship between Administrative distance and FDI, such that FDI flows will be less sensitive to the Administrative distance when a strategy based on seeking new strategic assets is present. This study contributes to better understand the institutional and strategic foundations presiding to the investments from emerging economies firms and opens up the discussion on other motivations that could be drive emerging countries overseas investment decisions.", publisher = {Universidade Nove de Julho}, scholl = {Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração}, note = {Administração} }